Sunday, July 5, 2015

Braid Descriptions

The single and double mums and single garters come with two braids, the military braid and the spirit braid.

While the larger mums and garters (triples and quads) come with the two braids above and your choice of flat braid, making a total of three braids!

You can add any of these braids to any mum or garter.
Mum braids are 30" long and are $7 each
Garter braids are 15" and are $5 each

The next group of braids are what I like to call 3-D braids. They add dimension and texture to a garter or mum.
I make them in two sizes. Large is made with 7/8" ribbon and small is made with 5/8" ribbon. That two eighth's of an inch does not sound like much, but when multiplied by 4 for the braids and by 3 for the loops, it adds up! In this picture the twisting box braid is the small ribbon size and the box braid is the larger ribbon size. See the difference?!

Large 3-D Mum braids are 30" long and are $15 each
Small 3-D Mum braids are 30" long and are $13 each

Large 3-D Garter braids are 15" long and are $12 each
Small 3-D Garter braids are 15" long and are $10 each

Find braids on the Add-ons page. They are typically done in coordinating colors, but if you want something different, like college colors! Let us know!

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