Tuesday, June 23, 2015

How I Discovered Glitter

5 years ago, next month, we made a decision to put our always-homeschooled boys into public school. The oldest went into 10th grade. 

When homecoming came around, I asked him if he had a date and if he needed a mum. He had no idea what I was talking about. So, I explained it and basically told him that he needed both. And because he is a good, obedient son, he acquired one and I came up with the second. I never did get a picture of it. They texted me a horrible,fuzzy pic from the game. I don't even remember the girl's name, except that it was close to Ambien. I remember it was a double mum and that I intended it to be worn at an angle, and she did not wear it that way, so it looked all wonky! 

The important thing was that after 16 years of parenting boys and camouflage being a laundry sorting category, that I discovered GLITTER and BLING and that I liked it, a LOT!! 

This was from the third year. Boy #2's gf. I had to create some cross country themed items. I was afraid to put too much. Looking at it now, I want to fill in all the blank spaces. 

The next year, I got to make two of them. And the next and the next. Last year, I made 4 and sold two. For two years, friends kept telling me to sell them. I would start investigating the business end, become overwhelmed and decide that that wasn't for me. This February, I decided to go for it. I got a federal tax ID and a state tax license. I am able to buy wholesale, now. I can get my hands on gorgeous things that I never had access to, being limited to craft stores. And miraculously, I was led to a professional mum maker's group and they have been my biggest source of support and inspiration! 

The giant mums that I once thought, "That's crazy!" about, are now my goal. My dream mum is a Texas shaped one. One of the supply companies even developed a Texas-shaped backer, this year! (It's not listed, but if you want one, let me know!)  

To say that I am excited about #HoCo15 is an understatement! I'll have to drag out the thesaurus to find a word. People who order from me this year are in for a real treat. I imagine they'll get extras that are not listed, simply because I am just so excited to be doing this! I am excited about the dressed bears and the gorgeous ribbon and learning fancy new braids! I am excited to make mums and garters for schools other than my own, simply to be working in lots of different colors. Mostly, I am excited to make some senior young ladies their dream mum!  

Junior mum for the same girl as the one about. Obviously, I got over the fear of "too much." 

Please, if you don't see what you are looking for, let me know! This job is about creating memories and it truly is my goal to make mums and garters that will be treasured keepsakes. 

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